Oak Class - Year 5 and Year 6: News items
PCSO Stay at home update, by Mrs Shepherd
Westfield Foodbank, by Mrs Shepherd
School nurse contact details during Covid-19, by Mrs Shepherd
School Closure Update, by Mrs Shepherd
Westfield foodbank and toy swap, by Mrs Shepherd
Free School Meals, by Mrs Shepherd
PTA Family Quiz, by Mrs Shepherd
Hope Corner, by Mrs Shepherd
Newsletter from Cheshire Police, by Mrs Shepherd
BBC programs to help home learning , by Mrs Shepherd
Support, by Mrs Shepherd
Our Rainbows, by Mrs Shepherd
Widnes Vikings Go Live, by Mrs Shepherd
Aldi Sports Kits for Schools, by Mrs Shepherd
Dolce Emergency Menu, by Mrs Shepherd
Headteachers Update - Coronavirus, by Mrs Shepherd
Advise on coronavirus for education settings, by Mrs Shepherd
World Book Day 2020 - Westfield Primary Bedtime Story, by Mrs Shepherd
World Book Day 5th March 2020, by Mrs Shepherd
Sport Relief 2020, by Mrs Shepherd
Progress Meetings, by Mrs Shepherd
Junior Safety Officers Competition, by Mrs Shepherd
Safer Internet Day 2020, by Mrs Shepherd
Dates for Spring Term, by Mrs Shepherd
CBBC Step Up To The Plate, by Mrs Shepherd