Larch Class - Year 3 & Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mr Colecliffe
Mrs Berry
The adults in our class
Mr Colecliffe - Class teacher
Mrs Berry - Teaching assistant
What are we learning in Spring 1?.
Coming to England, by Floella Benjamin is the first book we will be exploring this year, learning about how a ten-year-old Floella and her family set sail from the Caribbean to a new life in a cold and unfriendly London. As we explore the story, the children will be developing their writing styles as they produce a variety of different pieces of writing - including letter writing, character/setting descriptions, recounts and diary entries - allowing them to showcase their understanding.
We will be working through the Maths No Problem scheme of work, beginning our term exploring number and place value, before moving onto calculations involving addition and subtraction and finally ending the term discussing multiplication and division.
In addition to this, we will be practising our multiplications on a daily basis, in preparation for the Year 4 Multiplication Assessments.
During Autumn Term 1 the children will be exploring electricity. They will engage in building simple series circuits, using a variety of different components, exploring and recognising some common conductors and insulators, and learning to associate most metals with being good conductors.
In History this half term we will be investigating how children's lives have changed throughout history. The children will have the opportunity to critique primary and secondary sources to make their own inferences and deductions. They will also explore why children needed to work - identifying the jobs Tudor and Victorian children had and describing the working conditions for them during these time periods. To finish the half term, the children will explore who Lord Shaftesbury is and how he changed the lives of children and evaluate the impact of his work.
Spanish (MFL)
In our Spanish lessons, we begin by learning some of the conversational language in café conversations - including applying comprehension strategies to help discover the meaning of new words and using this to make polite requests about what I want to eat and drink. We finish the half term with some role play, with the children given the opportunity to show off their learning.
Physical Education (PE)
We are very fortunate to have Mr Kelly-Weekes delivering our PE sessions every Wednesday - teaching the children gymansatics and badminton (separately, thankfully). In addition to this, we will have swimming every Thursday afternoon throughout the half term. Childr4en are to come to school in their PE kits on htese days, as in accordance to the School Uniform Policy.
Religeous Education (RE)
Our RE lessons will be delivered by Mrs Davies, and the children will be discussing Christianity and God. They will also discuss how, and why, some people have chosen to serve God.
Our Art lessons will also be delivered by Mrs Davies, as we split the children into smaller groups in the afternoons. The children will be developing their artistic skills by using a range of different mediums to create their pieces - including using a variety of different pencil tones when shading to create a simple 3D effect, exploring the effect of using charcoal and rubber to show areas of light and dark in their drawings, and using different tools to create marks and patterns when scratching into a painted surface.
In Computing, the children will develop their understanding of digital devices, with an initial focus on inputs, processes, and outputs. They will also compare digital and non-digital devices. Next, they will be introduced to computer networks, including devices that make up a network’s infrastructure, such as wireless access points and switches. Finally, they will discover the benefits of connecting devices in a network.
Home Reading
Our school aim is to complete at least 5 reading at home sessions each week. We will be monitoring reading at home closely by checking Boom Reader (replacing reading diaries) each day and changing children’s books once a week, if required. We encourage children to develop their own sense of 'reading for pleasure' and would love to see the texts that children are also reading at home.
Children will write their spellings into their spelling journals-however, there will be no test. These words are for the children to continuously improve their spelling and their overall vocabulary.
Online Learning Resources
Our children have access to a range of online resources to aid their learning. Here are the links to some useful websites that children can use whilst not in school. Children have been given their login details. All children should be familiar with how to use these.
Many thanks,
Mr Colecliffe
Larch Class - Year 3 & Year 4: News items
Newsletter 20th December 2024, by Mrs Shepherd
Newsletter 13th December 2024, by Mrs Shepherd
Newsletter 6th December 2024, by Mrs Shepherd
Larch Class - Year 3 & Year 4: Gallery items
Book Advent Calendar, by Mrs Shepherd
Elf On The Shelf 2024, by Mrs Shepherd
Larch Class - Year 3 & Year 4: Calendar items
Willow, Larch, Oak, Cedar & Sycamore Class PE, by Mrs Shepherd
Willow, Larch, Oak, Cedar & Sycamore Class PE, by Mrs Shepherd
Willow, Larch, Oak, Cedar & Sycamore Class PE, by Mrs Shepherd