Willow Class - EYFS 2024 - 2025

Miss Woods

Miss Woods

Miss Wright

Miss Wright

Mrs McIlroy

Mrs McIlroy

Willow Class.png


Welcome to Willow Class, our Reception Class.

Our Key Adults :

  • Miss Wright - Class Teacher and EYFS Lead 
  • Miss Woods - Teaching Assistant
  • Mrs McIlroy - PPA Cover Teacher (Tuesday PM)

Spring 1

This half term our topic is 'Superheroes'

Through a range of high quality texts and planned learning opportunities, the children will explore all about people who help us at home, at school and in the local community. 

We are very proud of our Early Years Foundation Stage play based curriculum here at Westfield. 

For more information about our EYFS Curriculum, please visit the EYFS page on our website. 

What are we reading in Willow Class?


Areas of Learning:


Our focus text for Pathways to Write is 'Naughty Bus.' We will be using our Communication and Language skills to help us to re-tell the story, using a story map. We will be writing for a purpose and giving meaning to marks we draw, write and paint. We will begin to write captions / short sentences,  labels, linking sounds to letters and using some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning. We will create a new journey for the Naughty Bus by creating a story map and writing captions/ sentences describing the journey of the bus. 


Mathematical Developement
In the EYFS we use the NCETM Mastering Number Programme. This is a programme that provides a deep understanding of number, and fluency with number facts. In Spring 1, we will be continuing to develop our subitising skills. This is the ability to identify how many objects are in a group without actually counting them. We will develop our counting skills and explore the composition of numbers within, and beyond 5.  We will begin to identify when two sets are equal or unequal and connect two equal groups to doubles.

In our Shape Space and Measure, we will be exploring 2D and 3D shapes and Mass and Capacity. 


Understanding the World
People Culture and Communities: Through stories, songs and sharing their own experiences, the children will be making connections between people who help us at home, at school and within the local community, developing positive attitudes about the differences between people. We will explore the roles of people who help us and talk about our Aspirations for the future. 

The Natural World: Planned opportunities will be provided for the children to explore the natural world around them, including the changing seasons and the weather. We will be exploring Materials and looking at the process of freezing and melting. 

Past and Present: We will explore people who have helped us from the past. We will learn about Sir Captain Tom Moore and how he inspirationally raised money for charity and lifted people's spirits during a difficult time.  


Creative Development

We will be exploring Colours and Colour Mixing and creating Marvellous Marks.  

Personal Social and Emotional Development 

We will focus on building relationships and exploring the importance of turn taking and sharing. 

Physical Development:

Lots of opportunities will be planned to enable the children to develop their gross and fine motor skills in our indoor and outdoor classroom.  


PE is on Wednesday. Please come to school dressed in full PE kit on this day.

Our PE session with Mr Kelly-Weekes starts at 8:40am so please arrive to school promptly ready for us to start our session.  


At Westfield, we expect all children to complete five reading sessions a week. These should be recorded on each child’s individual reading account on the Boom Reader app. The children will bring home a reading book linked to our Read Write Inc Phonics scheme. These books are changed on a Thursday. We also have a library day where the children are encouraged to choose a reading for pleasure book, to share with their Y5 Reading Buddy in school and an adult at home. These book are changed on a Monday

Online Learning Resources

Our children have access to a range of online resources to support their learning. Here are the links to some useful websites that children can use whilst not in school, their usernames and passwords will be sent home. 

Tapestry is the online learning journal that we use to document the children's learning journey in the EYFS. We value the importance of sharing the children's learning and development with families at home and also the contributions that families can make to the children's journals by adding photographs at home. 

NumBots | How the Game Works

Pupil Home

BoomReader Grand Tour: Trial digital reading records for free


Willow Class - EYFS: News items

Willow Class - EYFS: Gallery items

Book Advent Calendar, by Mrs Shepherd

Elf On The Shelf 2024, by Mrs Shepherd

Willow Class - EYFS: Calendar items

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