Our Curriculum
The Curriculum
The curriculum at Westfield Primary consists of activities designed to promote the intellectual, personal, social and physical development of our children. It includes both the formal programme of lessons, including National Curriculum subjects and also extra curricular activities. Through a carefully planned learning framework we aim to give each child equal opportunity to follow a broad and balanced curriculum which has both skills and progression of learning. This balance is constantly being monitored and evaluated in our attempts to meet the National Curriculum, assessment requirements and educational targets. Our teaching methods vary from individual to group, to whole class teaching in order to allow each child to reach his/her potential. Children are taught to develop independent working skills and are encouraged to learn by participation and application of skills. Teacher’s plans take account of equal opportunities and health education within specific topics. Recent Governmental legislation now means that more emphasis is placed on English and Mathematics. We have Literacy and Numeracy lessons every day, generally in the morning.
The National Curriculum is made up of the following components:
The Core Subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Religious Education (RE)
The Foundation Subjects: Design and Technology, Geography, History, Music, Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE), Art, PE, Spanish, (These Foundation subjects now come under the heading of the Creative Curriculum.)
Children in Reception follow the Foundation Stage curriculum. This sets out the early Learning Goals for children to reach before the end of their year in class and are based on the major aspects of children’s development, physical, emotional, social and cognitive areas. The curriculum is delivered through class teachers and Teaching Assistants with inter-staff co-operation and timetabling for some activities and subjects. With their own classes, teachers use a variety of teaching methods using their professional judgement as circumstances demand.
Religious Education is broadly Christian in content though use is made of examples of accepted morality from other sources according to the Halton recommended syllabus. There is a Christian element in morning assemblies. Arrangements can be made with the Headteacher if parents wish to withdraw their children from religious education or related activities. Alternative provision by the pupil’s class teacher will be made for any children who are withdrawn. Arrangements to discuss the curriculum in more detail can be made by contacting the Headteacher.
Subject Leadership
Please click on each subject to be taken to the subject page where you can find out more information.
English Pathways to Write/Read: Mrs Davies and Mrs Crook
Knowledge of the World
Humanities (Geography/History): Mrs McIlroy
Health and Well-being
PSHE/Jigsaw/SMSC/RSE/British Values: Miss Pope
Arts Team (Art/Performing Arts/Music): Mr Parker and Miss Pope