Cherry Class - Year 1 & Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Crook

Mrs Crook

Mrs McIlroy

Mrs McIlroy


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Please keep up to date with us in Cherry Class by following our school Twitter page


Welcome to Cherry Class Year 1 and Year 2

We are really lucky to have different people who help us in Cherry Class.

Here are our key adults:

  • Mrs Crook – Class Teacher (Monday-Thursday)
  • Miss Woods - Teaching Assistant
  • Mrs McIlroy - PPA Cover Teacher (Tuesday and Friday)

Autumn 1

What are we reading in Cherry Class?

Troll Swap


Our focus text for Pathways to Write will be Troll Swap. We will concentrate on basic skills of joining words to make coherant sentences including finger spaces, capital letters and full stops in the correct places. We will learn about adding adjectives to our work and expanded noun phrases to add detail when describing characters. We will also try to join words and phrases using conjunctions such as and/becasue.


We follow ‘Maths No Problem’ daily and continue to become super mathematicians. Year 1 will be counting to 10, learning number bonds within 10 and addition and subtraction facts within 10. Year 2 will be learnin place value with numbers to 100 and addition and subtraction within 100.

We also have maths fluency sessions 4 afternoons per week. We follow the NCETM Mastering Number program for this. 

We love Numbots! We have daily practise on Numbots on the class ipads and we hope that the children continue this at home. We give out certificates for different levels achieved fortnightly in our Friday celebration assembly. 


Year 1 and 2 will be learning about 'Animals Including Humans'. We will be learning about the different body parts of humans why they are important. 


Wider Curriculum

Our RE focus will be Christianity. We will learn about the creation story, how christains care for the world around them and the work of the Salvation Army. 

Our Art and Design focus will be on creating different maps using a range of different materials. 

PSHE will focus on 'being me in my world'. The children will focus on behaviours in school and how these can affect our own and others' wellbeing. 

Computing will be a focus on technology all around us, how we can use it in a positive way to help us and how to be safe online. 



PE is on Thursday. Please come to school dressed in full PE kit on this day.

Forest school is on Friday. Please come into school dressed in full forest kit on this day. Children must have approprioate footwear for the school day (e.g. trainers). Feel free to send in additional trainers that you don't mind getting dirty or even a pair of wellies to change into. 



At Westfield, we expect all children to complete five reading sessions a week. These should be recorded on each child’s individual reading account on the Boom Reader app. The children are split into different Read Write Inc. Phonics groups whilst in school and will have a separate book focus for that week which can be accessed from home via Oxford Owl and sent home in their book bags each week. Their books need to go home every night and come back to school every morning. We encourage all of our children to read five times per week. We also have a library where children are encouraged to take home a library book that interests them, to share with an adult at home. this is a 'reading for pleasure' book.


Online Learning Resources

Our children have access to a range of online resources to aid their learning. Here are the links to some useful websites that children can use whilst not in school, their usernames and passwords can be found on their bookmark  All children are familiar with how to use these.

NumBots | How the Game Works

Pupil Home

BoomReader Grand Tour: Trial digital reading records for free

Spelling Shed.jpg

Cherry Class - Year 1 & Year 2: News items

Cherry Class - Year 1 & Year 2: Gallery items

Book Advent Calendar, by Mrs Shepherd

Elf On The Shelf 2024, by Mrs Shepherd

Cherry Class - Year 1 & Year 2: Calendar items

PE Cherry Class, by Mrs Shepherd

Cherry Class PE, by Mrs Shepherd

PE Cherry Class, by Mrs Shepherd

Student Login