Oak Class - Year 5 and Year 6: News items
Pupil Planners, by Mrs Shepherd
Reminder Last Day of Term - Bubble Closure Times, by Mrs Shepherd
Halton Libraries Summer Reading Challenge, by Mrs Shepherd
School Nurse Text Advice, by Mrs Shepherd
Summer Activities Halton Library, by Mrs Shepherd
Love our planet art workshop - Halton Library, by Mrs Shepherd
Local History Day Friday 28th May 2021, by Mrs Shepherd
PTA Film Nights, by Mrs Shepherd
Summer Newsletter, by Mrs Shepherd
Summer Newsletter 21-2, by Mrs Kochan
Summer 1 Newsletter, by Mrs Shepherd
PTA Easter Competition, by Mrs Shepherd
PE, by Mrs Shepherd
Google Classroom, by Mrs Shepherd
Newsletter 4th March 2021, by Mrs Shepherd
World Book Day 4th March 2021, by Mrs Shepherd
World Book Day 4th March 2021, by Mrs Shepherd
World Book Day 4th March 2021, by Mrs Shepherd
World Book Day 4th March 2021, by Mrs Shepherd
Chinese New Year, by Mrs Shepherd
World Book Day 4th March 2021, by Mrs Shepherd
Cheshire Police Schools Newsletter, by Mrs Shepherd
Children's Mental Health Week, by Mrs Shepherd
Live Lessons, by Mrs Shepherd
Lockdown Newsletter 2, by Mrs Shepherd