Design and Technology

Design and Technology Subject Leader  Mrs Mr Colecliffe
STEM Link Governor  Mr I McIntyre 


DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY at Westfield Primary School


At Westfield Primary School we aim to, develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world. We want our children to build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users. Following this, children will be given opportunities to critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others. During food technology sessions the children will understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.

At our school, we encourage children to learn to think and work creatively to solve problems; both as individuals and collaboratively as members of a team. At Westfield Primary School, we inspire children to use their creativity and imagination, to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. Where possible, we support children to make connections to other subjects, such as Mathematics, Science, Computing and Art. The children are also given opportunities to reflect upon and evaluate past and present technology and its usefulness.



In D&T lessons, each different learning style is considered therfore ensuring indepenedce. 


Our children are encouraged to become innoative and creative thinkers. 


Children are encourged to ask questions about what is around them and where decisions can have an impact on the wider world in terms of community, social and environmental issues. 


Through a variety of creative and practical activities, we teach the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in the process of designing and making. Through well-planned lesson structures, children are able to show a clear process of research, design, make, improve and evaluate. Children are able to explore a range of existing products and formulate opinions on these, in order to make design decisions for their own products. Learning is adapted to meet the needs of different pupils, for example SEND and provides additional challenges for those children who require it.

From Years 1-6, Design and Technology is taught in each term. The whole school curriculum plan details the rolling programme for teaching Cooking and Nutrition, Textiles, Construction and Structures, Electrical systems,

There are many opportunities for carrying out Design and Technology related activities in all areas of learning in EYFS. By the end of the EYFS, most children should be able to:

  • Construct with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources.
  • Use simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately.
  • Build and construct with a wide range of objects, selecting appropriate resources and adapting their work when necessary.
  • Select the tools and techniques they need to shape, assemble and join materials they are using.


Each topic ends with all children creating a final product; these products demonstrate the skills they have learnt. Throughout the school, children are given the opportunity to consolidate their skills by creating their final product independently. Each lesson builds on the previous and children’s skills are improved upon throughout each topic. It is also clear to see the progression of skills throughout the school through the quality of products each year group creates.  Subject and school leaders monitor the impact of our curriculum provision through completing regular monitoring, that includes listening to the voice of our children. 




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