School Closure Update
Dear Parents and Carers,
Today I am sending you a letter from the Local Authority outlining their position on the reopening of primary schools.
I want to reassure you that as a school, we are taking the safety of the children, parents and staff very seriously and I will only put things in place if it is safe to do so. Next week, I will begin the planning phase for a return to school at some point.
As part of the plans, I would like your input by knowing that if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 6, will your child be returning to school or not? I will send out a short questionnaire on Monday via School Spider for you to please complete and following that, I will send out more communication as the week progresses.
I wholeheartedly understand that this is a worrying time for you and your children, especially as there is a lot of uncertainty in to what is the safest way to get children back to school. I am here to listen to your thoughts so please contact me, especially if you need to ask questions.
Miss Pope