Sycamore Class - KS2 Speech & Language Resource Base: News items
Harvest Festival 2020, by Mrs Shepherd
Important Letter from HBC, by Mrs Shepherd
What school work can I do if self isolating, by Mrs Shepherd
Reading, by Mrs Shepherd
Welcome Back Letter from Dolce (school meals provider), by Mrs Shepherd
September 2020, by Mrs Shepherd
National School Sports Week 2020, by Mrs Crook
School Uniform Ordering Information, by Mrs Shepherd
Fundraising for Chester Zoo, by Mrs Shepherd
PTA Fundraising for Chester Zoo, by Mrs Shepherd
Fundraising for Chester Zoo, by Mrs Havard
Summer Reading Challenge, by Mrs Shepherd
School Opening Update, by Mrs Shepherd
Home Learning Information, by Mrs Shepherd
Important Update, by Mrs Shepherd
PCSO Stay at home update, by Mrs Shepherd
Westfield Foodbank, by Mrs Shepherd
School nurse contact details during Covid-19, by Mrs Shepherd
School Closure Update, by Mrs Shepherd
Westfield foodbank and toy swap, by Mrs Shepherd
Free School Meals, by Mrs Shepherd
PTA Family Quiz, by Mrs Shepherd
Hope Corner, by Mrs Shepherd
Newsletter from Cheshire Police, by Mrs Shepherd
BBC programs to help home learning , by Mrs Shepherd