School Opening Update
Dear Parents and Carers of children in Bubbles 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Due to the late announcement this afternoon that the R rate in the North West is now over 1, Westfield Primary School will NOT be opening on Monday 8th June for Reception/Year 1 or on Wednesday 10th June for Year 6. This decision is a recommendation from the Local Authority.
I am deeply saddened that we have needed to change our plans for return, especially at short notice, but I am sure you support me when I say, the safety of our children, parents and staff is the priority.
I will contact you again next week with further updates. At this point, I am considering opening on the 15th June, however, this will depend on the advice and guidance released next week.
Can you please indicate on the questionnaire on School Spider that you have received this message.
I can be contacted by email over the weekend for any questions.
Take care,
Miss Pope