Oak Class Home Learning 08.06.2020
Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 8:20am
Good morning Oak Class!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Despite the bad weather, I had a fabulous time! On Saturday, we bought a cheap kite for Isla and we took her to Hoylake beach. I have never flown a kite before, so I was also really excited to test it out. It was incredibly windy when we got there though - my husband had to hold on to the hood of Isla's coat to ensure that she didn't fly away! Anyway, we had a great time and it just shows that you can always make the most out of a bad situation (even if the bad situation is only the weather).
Today, I have uploaded a weekly learning grid and a weekly writing document for you all. This is 'phase one' of our new home learning. Therefore, I will not be posting a daily blog. We altered this in order to accommodate children returning to school. I know there has been a delay in our wider reopening, but sometimes things happen that are out of our control and our main priority is to keep you all safe! So please enjoy another week at home whilst we wait for things to settle.
If you need me, you can still contact me via your personal blog, or you can ask an adult to email me.
Please don't feel too disheartened that we aren't reuniting this week, you are all doing so well, and I am proud of each and every one of you.
Keep smiling and stay safe.
Mrs Davies