Our Gallery
Macmillan Virtual Bake Sale, by Mrs Shepherd
PTA Garden Project 2020, by Mrs Shepherd
HPAN February 2020 (Halton Primary Art Network), by Mrs Shepherd
Family Learning - Wellbeing 6th Feb 2020, by Mrs Shepherd
Christmas 2019 - Wilson the Westfield Elf, by Mrs Shepherd
Christmas Tree Festival November 2019, by Mrs Shepherd
Children In Need 2019, by Mrs Shepherd
Mental Health Awareness Week October 2019, by Mrs Shepherd
Mobile Library Visit October 2019, by Mrs Shepherd
Rugby World Cup Lunch October 2019, by Mrs Shepherd
Macmillan Bake Sale - Staff, by Mrs Shepherd
The Runcorn Cup July 2019, by Mrs Shepherd
Go Run for Fun July 2019, by Mrs Shepherd
Family Learning - Science 26th September 2019, by Mrs Shepherd
Photo Gallery, by Mr Ellis