Reception 2024

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A smooth transition is really important to us and we would like to invite you to a ‘Welcome to Westfield Meeting’ here at school on Tuesday 25th June at 3:30pm. This will give you an opportunity to meet the Staff and Governors as well as representatives from School Health, SEND, School meals, Mental Health Team and Citizens Advice to answer any questions you may have. Children are welcome and we have a play area available for your child during the presentation or they can sit with you. The meeting will finish around 4:30pm

Alongside the parent meeting, we have set aside 3 transition dates for your child to come and join us and get a feel of what school life is like. Please save the dates and if you cannot attend, let us know by ringing or emailing the school office.

Monday 1st July 2pm – 3pm.

Monday 8th July 2pm – 3pm.

Monday 15th July 9:15 – 10:15am.

Our aim is for your child to be excited and happy about starting school but if you have any worries and feel that you would like an individual appointment with myself or the class teacher, this can be arranged.

We have set up a tab on the website called ‘Reception Induction 2024’ especially for you. Here you will find a selection of photos of our school that you can share with your child, along with information about Breakfast club, uniform and getting ready for starting school.

We are really looking forward to meeting you.

Take care and kindest regards

Miss Pope

S Pope


Miss Wright

N Wright


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