Oak Class - Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mrs McIlroy

Mrs McIlroy

Mr Usher

Mr Usher



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Meet the Team:

Mrs Mcilroy - Teacher: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Mr Usher - Teacher: Monday


What are we reading in Summer 1?

Our Pathways to Write text for this half term is, Plastic Planet by Georgia Amson-Bradshaw. The Year 6 pupils will practise the writing Mastery Keys of: using relative clauses, using a wider range of devices to build cohesion e.g. conjunctions, synonyms, adverbials, punctuation and to use a colon to introduce a list and use semi-colons
within lists. The final writing piece will be their own persuasive speech, campaigning for the reduction in plastic waste to an audience of peers. This text also links to our Aquarium visit and workshop at the end of this term.

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What are we learning in Summer 1?

In Maths we will continue to follow ‘Maths No Problem’ and SATs style questions in the lead up to the SATs papers in May.

In Science lessons, we will continue with our theme of 'Electricity', learning first hand how circuits work and how this information is used in our daily lives.

This half term, during RE, the religion that we are studing is Christianity, with our focus question of 'Why do Christians believe Good Friday is good?'

For Humanities, we will learn about Geography, with our enquiry question, 'Why does the population change?'.

At the end of this half term, we will focus on our Art work and dedicate a day of our timetable to completing our own pieces of 'Still Life'.


Home Reading

Our school aim is to complete at least 5 reading at home sessions each week. We will be monitoring reading at home closely by checking reading diaries each day and changing children’s books once a week, if required. We encourage children to develop their own sense of 'reading for pleasure' and would love to see the texts that children are also reading at home.



For this half term, we will have two lessons of PE throughout the week, which will take place on a Wednesday. As per the PE uniform policy, children are to come dressed in their PE kit on a Wednesday, thinking about the weather that day. 



Children will be taught spellings in school, with a focus on applying the rule that is being taught that week.


Online Learning Resources

Our children have access to a range of online resources to aid their learning. Here are the links to some useful websites that children can use whilst not in school, their usernames and passwords can be found in their School Planner.  All children are familiar with how to use these. Clicking on each name will take you to the website.



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Please feel free to contact me via email if you have any further questions:


Oak Class - Year 6: News items

Newsletter 28th June 2024, by Mrs Shepherd

Newsletter 21st June 2024, by Mrs Shepherd

Newsletter 17th May 2024, by Mrs Shepherd

Oak Class - Year 6: Gallery items

Santa Dash 2023, by Mrs Shepherd

Oak Class - Year 6: Calendar items

Student Login