Cherry Class - Year 2 & Year 3 2023 - 2024

Mrs Crook

Mrs Crook

Mr Usher

Mr Usher


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Please keep up to date with us in Cherry Class by following our class Twitter page @WFPCherry 


We are really lucky to have different people who help us in Cherry Class.

Here are our key adults:

  • Mrs Crook – Class Teacher on Monday-Thursday
  • Miss McGreal - Teaching Assistant
  • Mr Usher - PPA Cover Teacher

Spring 1

What are we reading in Cherry Class?


Our focus text for Pathways to Write will be Stone Age Boy. We will be aiming to write our own stories by the end of the unit whilst learning to use and punctuate speech, use a wide variety of punctuation, develop the use of different subordinating and coordinating conjucntions and build a rich bank of vacabulary all helf term. We will be studying The Dragonsitter in Pathways to Read. We will be looking at text structure as this book is set out as a series of emails and we will also be making inferences. 


We will follow ‘Maths No Problem’ and continue to become super mathematicians, with a focus on multiplication and division.  


Year 3 and 4 will be learning about 'Animals Including Humans'. We will be learning about the organs of the digestive system, skeletona and nutrition.


Wider Curriculum
This half term in History we will be learning about the history of flight from the Wright brothers to space exploration. We will talking about our dreams and goals in Jigsaw (PSHE) and covering topic issues in British Values weekly. In indoor PE we will becoming expert gymnasts.Y2 will also be learning fundamental skills like dodging. Y3 will go swimming on Thursdays. In Art, we will be learning all about Ancient Egyptian art. In RE we will be learning about Hindu worship and how they show devotion to different gods. In Music we will be learning to sing like Vikings. 



PE is on Wednesday and Thursday. Please come to school dressed in full PE kit on these days. Y3 must bring in thier swimming kits on a Thursday in addition to wearing their PE kits.



At Westfield, we expect all children to complete five reading sessions a week. These should be recorded in each child’s individual reading diary. Pupils' diaries are checked every morning by an adult from Cherry Class. The children still accessing phonics are split into different Read Write Inc. groups whilst in school and will have a separate book focus for that week which can be accessed from home via Oxford Owl and sent home in their book bags each week. Their planners and books need to go home every night and come back to school every morning. We encourage all of our children to read five times per week. We also have a library where children are encouraged to take home a library book that interests them, to share with an adult at home. this is a 'reading for pleasure' book.



Each Tuesday, children are given spellings to practice which will be taught at school. Children are expected to learn these at home also. Children will be taught these spellings during the week, with a focus on applying the rule that is being taught. Children are then expected to practise their spellings further at home using Spelling Shed.


Online Learning Resources

Our children have access to a range of online resources to aid their learning. Here are the links to some useful websites that children can use whilst not in school, their usernames and passwords can be found in their School Planner.  All children are familiar with how to use these.



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Cherry Class - Year 2 & Year 3: News items

Newsletter 28th June 2024, by Mrs Shepherd

Newsletter 21st June 2024, by Mrs Shepherd

Newsletter 17th May 2024, by Mrs Shepherd

Cherry Class - Year 2 & Year 3: Gallery items

Cherry Class - Year 2 & Year 3: Calendar items

Cherry Class PE, by Mrs Shepherd

Student Login