Larch Class - Year 4 & Year 5 2023 - 2024

Mr Parker

Mr Parker

Mrs Berry

Mrs Berry


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The adults in our class

Mr Parker-Class teacher

Mrs Berry-Teaching assistant



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Escape from Pompeii is our fantastic book for Spring 1! The tale of 2 children rushing to escape the terrifying volcanic eruption is a great book that gives us a great view of what actually happened in Pompeii when the volcano erupted


What are we learning in Spring 1?

We will be learning to use paint in effective ways during this half term, as well as looking at why the Vikings invaded and what they actually did in England. Our music will be looking at the musical genre 'The Blues' and finally, our computing will involve programming. 

Home Reading

Our school aim is to complete at least 5 reading at home sessions each week. We will be monitoring reading at home closely by checking reading diaries each day and changing children’s books once a week, if required. We encourage children to develop their own sense of 'reading for pleasure' and would love to see the texts that children are also reading at home.


Our PE lessons are on a Wednesday. As per the PE uniform policy, children are to come dressed in their PE kit on both of those days.



Children will write their spellings into their spelling journals-however, there will be no test. These words are for the children to continuously improve their spelling and their overall vocabulary.


Online Learning Resources

Our children have access to a range of online resources to aid their learning. Here are the links to some useful websites that children can use whilst not in school, their usernames and passwords can be found in their School Planner.  All children are familiar with how to use these.




Larch Class - Year 4 & Year 5: News items

Newsletter 28th June 2024, by Mrs Shepherd

Newsletter 21st June 2024, by Mrs Shepherd

Newsletter 17th May 2024, by Mrs Shepherd

Larch Class - Year 4 & Year 5: Gallery items

Santa Dash 2023, by Mrs Shepherd

Larch Class - Year 4 & Year 5: Calendar items

Rounders Afterschool, by Mrs Shepherd

Larch Class PE Day, by Mrs Shepherd

Student Login