Our News items

Ofsted September 2019, by Mrs Shepherd

Week 3 Newsletter, by Miss Pope

Admission to Year 7, by Mrs Shepherd

Summer Reading Challenge, by Mrs Shepherd

Newsletter Issue 35, by Mrs Shepherd

Year 6 - Grow a pound, by Mrs Shepherd

Go Run for Fun, by Mrs Shepherd

Parent Governor, by Mrs Shepherd

Eco Brick Competition, by Mrs Shepherd

Art Space - Competition, by Mrs Shepherd

Free Tennis - Victoria Park, by Mrs Shepherd

Runcorn Town Football Club, by Mrs Shepherd

Runcorn Cup, by Mrs Shepherd

Summer Reading Challenge, by Mrs Shepherd

KS1 Art Club, by Mrs Shepherd

Go Run for Fun, by Mrs Shepherd

PTA End of Term Disco, by Mrs Shepherd

Parent Governor , by Mrs Shepherd

PTA Indoor Play Boxes, by Mrs Shepherd

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