Parking Concerns

Dear Parents/carers,
I am becoming increasing concerned with the amount of incidents of children nearly being knocked over by a car and the complaints I am receiving from parents and residents regarding the parking during picking up and drop off.
I am strongly advising that you consider your speed, awareness of others around you when moving off and where you park. Residents cannot have their driveway blocked or disabled bays used. Parking over the pavement does restrict parents with prams or wheelchairs and is not safe for the children.
Staff are around on the road to help and I do not want them, or you as parents, to be put in challenging situations or verbally abused. We must work together on this and I am happy to discuss your concerns too. I understand we all want the quickest and easiest option but parking on Penn Lane and walking is a safer plan.
If the situation does not improve then I believe that the residents feel strongly enough about this problem to contact the police. My main wish is for all children to be safe and this has to come first, please can you help and support me.
Miss Pope

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