Governor End of Year Letter
20th July 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
As the end of the academic year approaches, the Governing Board would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the year at Westfield. As I’m sure you’ll all agree, it’s been a year like no other. Few of us could have predicted what it would have in store for us and the challenges we’ve faced as a school, as families and pupils have been unprecedented.
I’d like to begin by thanking all of you for your continued support, kindness and patience during this challenging time. We know how tough things are for many of you and appreciate all of the effort you have made to keep your children learning and in supporting each other through this. It is the community that makes Westfield what it is and that has been evident this term.
I’m sure you will all support me in thanking all the staff at Westfield for their unfaltering effort, passion and commitment. Almost overnight, Miss Pope and her team organised the resources needed for home working to ensure the continued learning of all whilst also keeping the doors of Westfield open to our key-worker and vulnerable families. I have been in constant touch with Miss Pope since March and know that she and the staff have been working ceaselessly both in school with the children of key workers, and out of school, preparing work for children at home, as well as contacting parents and supporting our more vulnerable pupils and families. They also kept the school open and welcomed the children of key-workers throughout the Easter holiday and the May half term. Just like so many of us, a number of the staff have also had the challenge of working whilst looking after and home schooling their own children and have had all the health concerns and worries that have dominated this time. This has been a term that we could not have foreseen and prepared for and I’m sure you’ll agree that the leadership, resilience and professionalism of the school staff has not waivered.
It might surprise you to learn that schools don’t get any advance notice when the government makes its announcements. So within moments of us all hearing about the plans for wider-reopening, the new guidelines and the implications of them, the Senior Leadership Team began planning and preparing. We are very proud that Westfield was ready to safely open its doors to more children at the first possible opportunity.
The normal school business hasn’t stopped and in the midst of dealing with all these new challenges, Miss Pope and the school leaders have recruited two fantastic teachers to cover maternity leave, have remotely welcomed all our new Reception families and are continuing to create plans for September including some excellent work further developing the Curriculum.
As Miss Pope has indicated, it is the school’s aim that we will be able to reopen to all in September; however, we must prepare for every eventuality and plans will be made accordingly. When the children do return, staff will assess and address any knowledge gaps individual children may have and are planning creative and engaging ways to begin the school year that will focus on ensuring that the children feel secure and happy at school. The School’s aims and expectations remain high and staff will be striving for high levels of academic achievement.
The health and safety of all remains our priority and we will await further government guidance regarding wider reopening and update you in due course. As soon as the school has any further updates from the government about September, they will be able to implement their plans and give you all the information you will need. They are also looking at ways they could further improve home-learning should there be a situation where it is needed again.
Since the end of March the Governors have continued to meet, mostly via video conferencing, by phone and email. Our support has been focused on the school’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have helped analyse the comprehensive risk-assessment for the wider-reopening, reviewed and approved the school budget and supported the school’s plans for managing staffing at school and home-learning. Our school leaders have had to make a huge number of important and difficult decisions over this time and as a governing body we fully support all the decisions made. Moving into the new school year we will continue to support the school in adapting to the guidance issued by the government and ensuring that we fulfil our duties as governors with an emphasis on supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of the children, families and staff.
Sadly, for our Year 6 pupils it hasn’t been the ideal end to their Westfield journey and some of the celebrations have not taken place as normal which is extremely sad. It is lovely that some of them have had the chance to be in school for the last few weeks so have had some time to be with their friends and teachers before they leave the school. We would like to wish all our Year 6 pupils all the very best with their transition to High School in September, they will be missed.
Thanks also go to our PTA who have worked throughout the year to organise events and raise funds for the school which allows the children to engage in activities such as the Pantomime at Christmas. Please continue to support the PTA where you can as they are an extremely important part of the school.
I hope you all enjoy the summer break and we look forward to seeing all the children back in September.
Lynne Farrow
Chair of Governors