Oak Class - Year 5 and Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mr Parker
Mrs McIlroy
Meet the Team:
Mr Parker - Class teacher
Mrs McIlroy - Teacher on Tuesdays
Pathways Spring 2
Our Pathways to Write text for this half term is, 'The Darkest Dark' which is a semi-biographical story about astronaut Chris Hadfield, who was afraid of the dark-this story tells of how he overcame his fear of the dark to become a famous astronaut. The children will be learning about colons, semi colons and parenthesis.
What are we learning in Spring 1?
Our RE this half term will have a focus on Christianity and will be looking at Easter and the entirity of Holy Week.
In Computing we will be looking at spreadsheets and learning how to format and use them.
Geography will be about deserts and looking at where they are in the world.
In Music we will be looking at Pop Art and how that can be affected by music.
Our science is looking at the theory of evolution and how animals and humans have changed over time.
For this half term, Y6 will have PE on a Friday, while Y5 will have swimming on a Tuesday and PE on a Friday.
Children will be taught spellings in school, with a focus on applying the rule that is being taught that week.
Online Learning Resources
Our children have access to a range of online resources to aid their learning. Here are the links to some useful websites that children can use whilst not in school, their usernames and passwords can be found in their School Planner. All children are familiar with how to use these. Clicking on each name will take you to the website.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions:
Oak Class - Year 5 and Year 6: News items
Newsletter - 28th February 2025, by Mrs Kochan
Newsletter 14th February 2025, by Mrs Shepherd
Newsletter 7th February 2025, by Mrs Kochan
Oak Class - Year 5 and Year 6: Gallery items
Book Advent Calendar, by Mrs Shepherd
Elf On The Shelf 2024, by Mrs Shepherd
Oak Class - Year 5 and Year 6: Calendar items
Year 6 - Leavers Photo's, by Mrs Shepherd
PE Oak Class, by Mrs Shepherd
Year 5 Swimming, by Mrs Shepherd