Oak Class Home Learning 12.05.2020

Date: 12th May 2020 @ 8:08am

Good Morning Oak Class!


I hope you all had a fabulous start to the week yesterday! I have nothing much to report from my end – the day was pretty uneventful. However, my husband completed some DIY jobs around the house that I have been badgering him about for days now, so that cheered me up greatly.


Harry Potter and Philospher’s Stone

Today we are going to focus on the first part of the next chapter, Letters from no one.

I will post the extract in a separate blog post on Purple Mash, but if you have a copy of the book, then please feel free to use that instead.

Once you have read the extract, please answer the following questions.

  • What does it mean to wrinkle your nose?
  • Do you think Harry enjoys the summer holidays? Why?
  • What was Harry’s tiny ray of hope?
  • What reason is given for Dudley being the leader of the gang?
  • Explain Harry’s joke about the toilet.
  • What is a boater?
  • Where was Dudley going to school?
  • How did Mrs Figg break her leg?
  • Why did Aunt Petunia burst into tears?
  • Find and copy a phrase that describes what Harry would have looked like on his first day of school.

Please complete the answers in your home learning book. There is no need to write the questions and you don’t need to leave a line between each.


If you need me, please contact me on our class blog or ask an adult to email me. mrsdavies@westfieldprimaryschool.com


I hope you all have a lovely day!


Missing you all.


Mrs Davies

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