Oak Class Home Learning 03.04.2020
Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 8:42am
Good morning Oak Class!
It’s Friday, which means that we are approaching the start of the weekend. Woohoo!
Today’s writing task is also the last post that I will dedicate to a ‘rainforest’ theme. Thank you for all of your continued hard work over the last two weeks – I really have admired and appreciated your efforts. You all make me so proud!
Writing - I can write a balanced argument
Many people in the world eat insects for meals. Some say insects are the sustainable protein of the future for the other cultures. Consider the following thinking points:
Would you eat insects for a meal?
What kind of recipes would you put them in?
How are they used as a food source in some cultures?
Is there ever a circumstance where eating an insect would be considered cruel or unnecessary?
Write a balanced argument. Use the PEE model. Make your point, explain your point and support your point with evidence.
Here is a suggested structure for your writing:
After you have written the 'I can' statement, title your piece with the question – Should we eat insects?
1st paragraph – opening statement introducing the issue.
2nd paragraph – argument ‘for’ eating insects.
3rd paragraph – argument ‘against’ eating insects.
3rd paragraph – conclusion.
Follow this link for some tips on how to write a balanced argument:
I hope you all have a lovely day. As always, I am here if you need me. Contact me through our blog or ask an adult to email me. mrsdavies@westfieldprimaryschool.com
Miss you all.
Mrs Davies x