Maple Class Home Learning 31.3.20

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 9:09am

Hello Maple Class, hope you’ve understood the tasks and the learning grid for this week but please ask if you have any questions and well done for all the effort you’re putting into your work. Remember that everything that I set is suggested tasks and not compulsory!


Today’s English task

Complete your planning (if you haven’t already) 

Write your build up (introduce your new character and describe them, use some dialogue)

Remember to use:-

  • Varied punctuation
  • Dialogue
  • Expanded noun phrases using ambitious vocabulary
  • Prepositions and adverbial phrases


My example (Remember that if you’re stuck, you can use mine but change small details)


As Annie followed the crisp white canal path, she noticed another figure in the distance coming towards her. Suddenly it disappeared. Then reappeared again. Annie peered through the icy air and walked a few steps closer. All of a sudden, she could see the figure more clearly, only a few metres in front of her. It was a boy with silvery hair and the palest skin she had ever seen. “Hello?” she called nervously. 

“Hi,” a friendly voice responded, dancing excitedly towards her.

Annie looked carefully at the boy. He didn’t look like any boy she had ever seen before. He had sapphire-blue eyes and when he spoke, he almost sang.

I've also attached the Year 3/4 spelling list incase any have gone missing from folders.

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