Maple Class Home Learning 19.5.20
Date: 18th May 2020 @ 9:55pm
Good morning everybody!
Have any of you decided on a physical activity challenge yet? I know some Year 3s have had a go at some origami. You should also check out Mrs Crook's post on School Spider about some suggested science-themed scavenger hunts!
Today's writing task
This is a traditional African hut that many people in the countries of Africa live in. Sometimes they are made of sticks, sometimes mud and dung, sometimes corrugated metal. I want you to imagine that you are writing a letter to this little boy.
- Tell him all about your house and where you live.
- How is it the same? How is it different?
- Finish the letter by asking some questions about his house.
Today's Reading challenge
Read the attached Picture Newspaper.
Post the answers to these questions on the Purple Mash Blog or answer in your books:
- What unusual thing did the owners of the aquarium ask people to do?
- What amazing learning did Tyrese set up?