Look Up! Look down in Cherry Class
Date: 10th Sep 2020 @ 9:09pm
This week in Cherry Class, the Year 2 children have been introduced to their new book, titled 'Look Up!'. The children were tasked to 'look up' to observe and list what they could see when they looked up in the classroom and when outside. They have been practising their writing by putting these lists into sentences. They have really enjoyed reading our new book so far and meeting the main character.
In our Science lessons, they have also thought about what they would need or want to bring with them into space, deciding which items would be essential to survive (there was a debate about whether chocolate cake would be a want or a need!).
Then we discussed our worries and fears during a Jigsaw lesson, met our new Jigsaw piece (Jigsaw Jo) and nearly fell asleep during our 'calm me' time.
Another busy and fun week in Year 2! We continue to be very proud of all our children and their work and behaviour attitudes since coming back to school, keep it up Year 2!
Mrs Mcilroy and Miss Evans : )