Larch Home Learning 30.3.2020
Date: 29th Mar 2020 @ 9:22pm
Hi Larch class.
First of all-well done for getting through your first week away from school! It is something we can all chat about when you all return.
Secondly-your learning grid is on the blog on our website-you need to visit there for the weekly tasks.
Thirdly-there will not longer be a maths tasks posted on here, they are all on your weekly grid to work through at your convenience.
I will still be posting a writing task on here-and here it is!
I want you to write a recipe on how to make a potion-it could be any type of potion, and could have any type of ingredients!
Your success criteria is as follows:
-Use imperative verbs-these are verbs that tell you to do things.
-Layout-a new line for each step, and have them numbered.
-You need to remember to add adjectives to describe your ingredients-write your ingredients list out first, and have them all described beforehand.
As always, email me them at if you have any questions.
Happy Monday!
Missing you all already.
Mr P