Larch Home Learning 26/3/2020
Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 8:46pm
Hi Larch Class!
Over halfway through our first week already-how time flies!
Your writing task for today.
'I can write a letter back home from the future.'
What you are going to do today, is to write a letter back home, from the future, to a member of your household telling them what the future is like!
If the future you created was brilliant and wonderful, then you need to tell them how incredible it is!
If not....then you need to say why it is so bad.
Success criteria:
-Remember your target audience, you are writing to someone who lives in your house!
-Make sure you put in your opinion in the letter about the future you created.
-Think about the layout of a letter.
Blue book p.70
Green book p.69
Purple book p.64
Today will be our last day of fractions, and we will start recapping previous learning from the year so far.
As always, get in touch if you are stuck.
Mr P