Larch class 31/3/2020
Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 8:34am
Hi Larch class!
Hope you are all doing ok-did you all find the learning grids? Here is the link to it below-click on files to download at the bottom and it should download it. If not, please contact the office and chat to Mrs Shepherd who should be able to assist you.
For today's task, it links to yesterday's writing about the magic potion.
I can write a diary entry.
What does your potion do?
You need to write a diary entry, as if you drank your potion and what happened when you drank it!
Does it turn you invisible? Make you fly? Time travel?
Your success criteria is as follows:
-Diary entries need your thoughts and feelings-put these in as you write about your day.
-Make sure the focus is what happens when you drank your potion-not what went on before that! Maybe you drank it straight after breakfast?
-Punctuation:make sure you use exclamation and question marks in your writing.
Any problems, contact me as usual.
Mr P