: News items

Runcorn Town Football Club, by Mrs Shepherd

Runcorn Cup, by Mrs Shepherd

Summer Reading Challenge, by Mrs Shepherd

KS1 Art Club, by Mrs Shepherd

Go Run for Fun, by Mrs Shepherd

PTA End of Term Disco, by Mrs Shepherd

Parent Governor , by Mrs Shepherd

PTA Indoor Play Boxes, by Mrs Shepherd

Planet Circus, by Mrs Shepherd

SSE Be the difference day, by Mrs Shepherd

Half Term Activities, by Mrs Shepherd

KS1 to KS2 School Meals, by Mrs Shepherd

KS2 Film Night Goosebumps 2, by Mrs Shepherd

Polling Days, by Mrs Shepherd

Questionnaire Results, by Mrs Kochan

Warm Weather, by Mrs Shepherd

PTA Film Nights, by Mrs Shepherd

Maths , by Miss Craig

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